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Application Performance Monitoring

Atatus gives you real-time visibility into your application's performance, as well as detailed transaction details, slow database queries, poorly performing network calls, and more. Identify root causes and resolve issues more quickly.

With Atatus, You Can…



Detect issues prior to release with minimal effort and address them. This will assist you in making production more quickly.

Slow DB queries

Slow DB queries

Explore how your SQL and non-SQL queries are performing in your application with the help of the database monitoring.

HTTP Failures

HTTP Failures

Know the reasons behind performance breakdowns and identify the main causes of these HTTP failures with throughput, failure rate, and exception rate.

Session Traces

Session Traces

Uncover callbacks in your JavaScript code that are implemented slowly and prevent subsequent calls on the browser's major thread from being executed.

Slowest Requests

Slowest Requests

Determine accurate endpoints the requests correspond to, as well as a breakdown of exactly why the request was loading slowly.

Runtime Metrics

Runtime Metrics

Spot deviations in the parameters of the baseline model, reflect the relationships between risk factors.

Get a complete picture of your application performance

All-in-one solution

All-in-one solution

  • Check-circle Icon Drill down into errors and get complete app visibility such as front-end, back-end, server, database, and much more.
  • Check-circle Icon Enhance your digital end-user experience to boost productivity and maximize the revenue of your organization.
  • Check-circle Icon Grasp knowledge across your full-stack application and get precise answers about each potential issue.
Instant code level tracing

Instant code level tracing

  • Check-circle Icon Find out which line of code takes up a lot of processing time and is slowing down your application.
  • Check-circle Icon Take a broad view of your entire code to resolve issues and meet your target outcomes with no struggle.
  • Check-circle Icon Avail of agile solutions to deliver the best product to your customers with the help of metrics, such as min, max response time, throughput, exceptions, and failure rate.
Streamline API issue resolution

Streamline API issue resolution

  • Check-circle Icon Revamp your application code, such as poor performing SQL queries, slow transactions, hidden API failures, and much more.
  • Check-circle Icon Determine what's impacting your key business metrics and pinpoint each API issue from third-party API issues down to the code level.
  • Check-circle Icon Evaluate the performance, availability, response, and functional correctness of every API to identify the outrages and poor-performing APIs.
Monitor code deployments

Monitor code deployments

  • Check-circle Icon Identify any issues before your customers notice them by collecting metrics about the performance of your new release.
  • Check-circle Icon Discover the performance spike causing downtime in your application by comparing the performance of specific versions.
  • Check-circle Icon Empower DevOps teams to monitor their code on their own from development through production.

Get a complete picture of your application performance

Atatus makes application monitoring easier with actionable insights, so you can isolate and resolve application performance issues holistically.

Full-stack Visibility
Full-stack Visibility

A comprehensive view of the behavior, performance, and health of your application and support infrastructure through high-fidelity telemetry.

Centralized Monitoring
Centralized Monitoring

Get a unified view of your application performance with one platform to fix issues faster with one connected experience.

Easy Installation
Easy Installation

Track your frontend performance and errors by adding just two lines of code. Get immediate insight into your users' pain points.

Minimal Overhead
Minimal Overhead

Extract rich resource KPIs with the least overhead on your application services, which does not impact the performance.

Source Maps
Source Maps

Make your stack trace errors readable with source maps. Un-minifying JavaScript to view the original source code. Debug minified code from production.

Block Bots & Malicious IPs
Block Bots & Malicious IPs

Filter Bots, Domains, IPs, and User Agents to gain actionable insights from the real data that matters to your business.

Ticketing Integration
Ticketing Integration

Integrate your Atatus issues with various project management platforms. Jira, Asana, BugHerd, GitHub, and GitLab are all supported.

Real-time Alert
Real-time Alert

Monitor your applications automatically for increased response times, API failures, and error rates. Receive notifications via Slack, Teams, Email, PagerDuty, etc.

Enterprise but flexible
Enterprise but flexible

Custom and expand your data driving without any restriction to make dive deeper into the insights that innovate you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is application performance monitoring?
Application performance monitoring (APM) tracks application performance metrics using monitoring software and telemetry data. Application performance monitoring determines system availability to improve user experiences and optimize service performance and response times.
What does application performance monitoring do?
  • Improved user experiences.
  • Increased developer and operational efficiency.
  • Fewer incidents of poor performance.
  • Time spent on innovation has increased.
  • Improved application stability and availability.
  • Performance issues can be resolved more quickly.
  • Software releases that are both faster and of higher quality.
  • Boosting conversion rates.
  • Increased utilization of infrastructure.
  • Increase revenue.
  • Lower operational costs.
How do you implement application performance monitoring?
Inject the APM code generated by the sign-in process into your web-application back-end code. This will take a matter of seconds to get started monitoring your website. With the understandable and elaborate APM metrics, you can easily track backend errors from your application. You can also customize alerts and get notified every time an error occurs.
What are the features of application monitoring?
  • Transaction Metrics.
  • Database Monitoring.
  • Network Call Performance.
  • API Failures.
  • Transaction Traces.
  • Error Monitoring.
  • Release Tracking.
  • Smart Alerting.
  • Runtime Metrics.
What are the metric API monitoring provides
  • CPU Usage.
  • Memory Usage.
  • Uptime.
  • Average and Max Latency.
  • Errors Per Minute.
  • Request Per Minute (RPM).
  • API Calls Per Business Transaction.
  • API Retention.
  • API Usage Growth.
  • SDK and Version Adoption.

Application Performance Monitoring & Management

Atatus makes application monitoring easier with actionable insights, so you can isolate and resolve application performance issues holistically.