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Cross-browser testing

Cross-browser testing

Experience true compatibility: - Ui Inspector cross-browser testing certifies that your website or web application works flawlessly on every browser. Run your application on different browsers and devices to ensure compatibility, usability, and performance.

With Ui Inspector, You Can…

Test any cross-browser web application

Test any cross-browser web application

Choose any web browser like Chrome or Firefox to select on which to run your automated tests.

Add scripts to test in bulk

Add scripts to test in bulk

Save time when scheduling tests without making your testing work more complicated with mass testing.

Automatically run tests

Automatically run tests

Simple with visibility to parameters and real-world values on any screen resolution.

Detect any visual regression

Detect any visual regression

Ensure that a new change to the code doesn't break existing functionality after a code change.

Customize your user agent

Customize your user agent

Easily and automatically test your dedicated and designed user behavior and journey paths.

Test on a any period basis

Test on a any period basis

Schedule your tests hourly, once every 5 hours, twice daily, once daily, weekly, or even monthly.

Find out how Ui Inspector solves your Cross-browser testing problems

Experience true compatibility

Experience true compatibility

  • Check-circle Icon Test with multiple browser versions and locations, from your seat. Make your website or application function and appear as intended on all tested browsers.
No more clunky mobile experiences

No more clunky mobile experiences

  • Check-circle Icon Check if your website or application is responsive on different devices and screen sizes to ensure that it looks good and is easy to use on devices with different screen sizes and resolutions.
Unleash your full potential

Unleash your full potential

  • Check-circle Icon Provide a great user experience to ensure that the product looks and functions consistently across all browsers.
  • Check-circle Icon Cross-browser testing checks that all the features and functions of a website or application are working correctly on different browsers and devices.

Automated UI testing made easier

Requires little to no time for the maintenance of your web applications.

Cross Browser Testing
Cross Browser Testing

The tests can be run in multiple browsers at the same time, such as Chrome and Firefox.

Visual Anomaly Detection
Visual Anomaly Detection

Compare the previous and current tests using screenshots to identify the differences.


Verify that tests are advancing as expected by upholding URLs, text, and other data.

Reorder, Remove, and Add
Reorder, Remove, and Add

Drag-and-drop to add new steps, remove old ones, and quickly reorder steps.

Smoke Testing
Smoke Testing

Identify JavaScript errors, broken links, page load delays, and other issues quickly.

Data Driven Testing
Data Driven Testing

Run tests with various permutations by using a variety of input variables.

Comprehensive Test Output
Comprehensive Test Output

Visualize all of your test results in a single dashboard that developers and testers can share.

Module Reusability
Module Reusability

Importable modules are a good place to keep repeated step sequences.


Run tests automatically after builds from your favourite CI server platforms, or use our API to start tests.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is cross-browser testing?
Web developers and QA (quality assurance) teams typically use cross-browser testing to ensure that a website or web application looks and functions as expected across multiple web browsers. This includes both desktop and mobile browsers (such as Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari) (such as the default browsers on iOS and Android devices). Developers and QA teams can ensure that their website or web application is accessible to the broadest possible audience by performing cross-browser testing.
What are the features to look for in cross-browser testing?
When evaluating cross-browser testing tools, some key characteristics to look for are:

  • Support for multiple browsers and devices: The tool should be able to test your website or web application on multiple browsers, including the most recent versions of popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge, as well as older versions that are still in use.
  • Automated testing: The tool should be capable of performing automated testing, which allows you to run tests across multiple browsers and devices quickly and easily.
  • Manual testing: Some tools also allow for manual testing, which allows you to test your website or web application on a specific browser or device and interact with the page as if you were a user.
  • Screenshots and video recordings: The tool should be able to capture screenshots and video recordings of the page as it appears on various browsers and devices, allowing you to easily see how the page appears on different platforms.
  • Remote testing: Some tools allow you to access real devices from the cloud, which can potentially save a lot of physical resources.
  • Integration with your development process: Some tools, such as Selenium, will integrate with popular development and testing frameworks, making it easier to incorporate cross-browser testing into your existing development process.
  • Flexibility in test execution: Some tools enable testing in parallel or distributed mode on cloud or local infrastructure, on a subset of browsers and devices, or at a specific time.
  • Reporting: The tool should generate detailed reports that highlight potential issues and provide advice on how to resolve them.
How can cross-browser testing help users?
Cross-browser testing can help users in several ways:

  • Enhance the overall user experience by verifying that a website or web application appears and operates as anticipated across multiple browsers. This may lead to higher customer pleasure and engagement as well as enhanced brand loyalty.
  • Cross-browser testing may assist in verifying that consumers can access all of a website's or web application's features, regardless of whatever browser or device they are using. This might involve ensuring that forms, buttons, and other interactive features work properly across browsers.
  • Greater compatibility: Cross-browser testing helps to uncover issues that may develop due to differing browser implementations, allowing them to be fixed and ensuring better user compatibility.
  • Decrease support requests: Cross-browser testing can help reduce the number of support calls related to issues that occur on certain browsers or devices by verifying that a website or web application is compatible with multiple browsers and devices.
  • Overall, cross-browser testing can help ensure that users have a positive experience when accessing a website or web application and increase the chances of them returning and recommending the website to others.
How does a cross-browser test work?
A cross-browser test is a process of testing a website or web application on several web browsers to guarantee that it appears and performs correctly on all of them. Cross-browser testing may be done in a variety of ways, including:

  • Manual testing entails manually testing the website or web application on various browsers and devices by viewing the site through each browser and looking for faults.
  • Automated testing involves the use of specialized software to automate the process of testing a website or web application across many browsers and devices. This might involve utilizing Selenium or similar technologies to generate automated scripts that execute the same tests on multiple browsers or employing cloud-based testing systems that test on a variety of browsers and devices.
  • Combining human and automated testing: Many businesses employ this method since automated testing covers a wide variety of browsers and devices, while manual testing is performed on specific browsers or devices to guarantee that everything works as intended.
  • In general, the process begins with the creation of a test plan outlining the test cases and test scenarios to be conducted. The website or web application is then loaded into the chosen browser(s), and the test cases are executed. The findings are then gathered and examined in order to detect any faults or defects that arose throughout the test. Finally, the bugs are recorded, reported, and remedied.
  • This procedure is generally performed for each browser and/or device under examination. By conducting this testing, developers and QA teams can guarantee that their website or web application is accessible to the broadest possible audience and performs properly on all browsers.
Can cross-browser testing detect all types of failures?
Cross-browser testing can assist in detecting a wide range of faults that can occur on various browsers and devices, but it cannot identify all forms of failure. Here are a couple such examples:

  • Browser-specific bugs: Some issues may appear only on certain browsers or versions of browsers, and cross-browser testing may not uncover them if the afflicted browser is not included in the testing process.
  • Latency-related issues: Cross-browser testing may fail to discover problems caused by excessive latency or poor network circumstances.
  • Third-party compatibility: Cross-browser testing may fail to discover problems caused by incompatibility with third-party software or services such as ad blocks, firewalls, or VPNs.
    Cross-browser testing can uncover compatibility issues, but it is insufficient to evaluate the total user experience because user experience testing involves a wide variety of aspects such as usability, accessibility, performance, user perception, and so on.
  • Issues with security: Cross-browser testing does not uncover security flaws such as cross-site scripting (XSS) or SQL injection. Security testing necessitates the use of specialized tools and procedures.

Cross-browser testing is simply one component of a full testing process and should be used in concert with other forms of testing such as unit testing, integration testing, and acceptance testing to guarantee thorough coverage of the online application.
Additionally, it's a great practice to keep the browser and device matrix up-to-date. This way, you can test on browsers and devices that are more commonly used by the target audience, and those are most likely to be impacted by an update or a problem.
How often should cross-browser testing be run?
The frequency of cross-browser testing will be determined by the unique needs of your website or online application, as well as the testing resources available. In general, consider the following factors when evaluating how frequently cross-browser testing should be performed:

  • Cross-browser testing should be performed following any substantial modifications to the website or web application, such as the release of a new feature or a site redesign.
  • Browser updates: Browsers are often updated, and it is critical to test your website or web application on the most recent versions of each browser; thus, it should be done after each major browser update.
  • Future-proofing: You should also do cross-browser testing on a regular basis to guarantee that your website or web application continues to run correctly on multiple browsers and devices, even if no changes have been made to the site recently.
  • Audience: Think about who you're trying to reach, how they're getting to the site, and what browsers and devices they're likely to use. This might assist you in deciding which browsers and devices to test.
  • Resources: You should also evaluate the testing resources available, such as money, test machine count, and human resources. This will assist you in determining the appropriate method and test frequency for your firm.
  • In practice, performing cross-browser testing on a regular basis, such as every few months, is a recommended practice to guarantee that your website or web application continues to run appropriately on multiple browsers and devices. However, it is equally critical to be adaptable and adapt to the individual needs and limits of your project.

Experience true compatibility

Test with multiple browser versions and locations, from your seat. Make your website or application function and appear as intended on all tested browsers.