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Codeless Browser Test Automation

Codeless Browser Test Automation

Ui Inspector is a browser testing tool for anyone, even if they do not know code. Record your test actions and schedule your testing periods so that Ui Inspector automatically tests the way you want as per your schedule and alerts you to every error, bug, and performance issue.

With Ui Inspector, You Can…

Test any cross-browser web application

Test any cross-browser web application

Choose any web browser like Chrome or Firefox to select on which to run your automated tests.

Add scripts to test in bulk

Add scripts to test in bulk

Save time when scheduling tests without making your testing work more complicated with mass testing.

Automatically run tests

Automatically run tests

Simple with visibility to parameters and real-world values on any screen resolution.

Detect any visual regression

Detect any visual regression

Ensure that a new change to the code doesn't break existing functionality after a code change.

Customize your user agent

Customize your user agent

Easily and automatically test your dedicated and designed user behavior and journey paths.

Test on a any period basis

Test on a any period basis

Schedule your tests hourly, once every 5 hours, twice daily, once daily, weekly, or even monthly.

Find out how Ui Inspector solves your Codeless Browser Test Automation problems.

Web test recorder

Web test recorder

  • Check-circle Icon Hover through every other element in your software system while Ui Inspector generates multiple locator techniques for you,
  • Check-circle Icon optimized for tests that not fail and prioritized based on the best match up.
  • Check-circle Icon Use a variety of assertions, validations, and community decisions to effortlessly improve your test.
Schedule test anytime

Schedule test anytime

  • Check-circle Icon Run automated tests on your web app or website as needed to monitor it.
  • Check-circle Icon Set your tests to run at regular intervals or at specific times.
  • Check-circle Icon When your web test results are not as expected, you will be notified immediately.
Live interactive sessions

Live interactive sessions

  • Check-circle Icon Analyze how an Application Under Test (AUT) behaves during testing.
  • Check-circle Icon While the test is running, interact with the application by clicking buttons, pop-ups, or any other application element.

Automated UI testing made easier

Requires little to no time for the maintenance of your web applications.

Cross Browser Testing
Cross Browser Testing

The tests can be run in multiple browsers at the same time, such as Chrome and Firefox.

Visual Anomaly Detection
Visual Anomaly Detection

Compare the previous and current tests using screenshots to identify the differences.


Verify that tests are advancing as expected by upholding URLs, text, and other data.

Reorder, Remove, and Add
Reorder, Remove, and Add

Drag-and-drop to add new steps, remove old ones, and quickly reorder steps.

Smoke Testing
Smoke Testing

Identify JavaScript errors, broken links, page load delays, and other issues quickly.

Data Driven Testing
Data Driven Testing

Run tests with various permutations by using a variety of input variables.

Comprehensive Test Output
Comprehensive Test Output

Visualize all of your test results in a single dashboard that developers and testers can share.

Module Reusability
Module Reusability

Importable modules are a good place to keep repeated step sequences.


Run tests automatically after builds from your favourite CI server platforms, or use our API to start tests.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is browser testing and debugging?
Online debugging is a function that enables developers or testers to test and debug online platforms in real operating conditions across browsers. DevTools are available to developers immediately, permitting developers to test and debug specific components for the preferred device-browser configurations.
What is meant by "cross-browser testing"?
Cross browser testing is the process of ensuring that web applications are functioning as expected end-to-end in a wide range of web browsers, operating systems, and devices.
How do you automate web browser testing?
Sign-in to the Ui Inspector, and you may find a record test option. Click on the Test Recorder option and run a manual test of clicking, scrolling, navigating, and functioning. Once recorded, The Ui Inspector asks you to record the frequency. The Ui Inspector auto tests your software according to your browser of choice.
Is browser test automation “codeless”?
Yes, browser test automation is done through coding. But with a Ui Inspector, you don't need to code any test actions. The only way to automate the test is to record the manual testing, and the codeless browser automation code does the testing without any code typed.

Automation of Repetitive Tests

Create and run automated tests for web applications without writing any code. Record your tests, which are user-friendly and accessible to people with little or no programming experience.