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Error tracking

Error tracking

ReplayBird finds and fixes the issues on End-to-end visibility with distributed traces, log patterns, and code profiles before they happen, which in turn reduces customer outrage and increases uptime. Track bugs and errors in your website and product to ensure that your program works seamlessly at all times.

With ReplayBird, You Can…

Real-time visibility

Real-time visibility

Determine the end-user transactions in real time to fix the front-end performance issues and tweak the quality of your website.

Watch where the user struggles

Watch where the user struggles

Find your website user’s pain points and frustration signals to track the frontend error which is enabling your user to lose trust in you.

Track Javascript errors effortlessly

Track Javascript errors effortlessly

Track, enrich, and analyze to keep you informed of JavaScript errors. Respond to and fix bugs before users even pay attention to them.

Analyze stack traces

Analyze stack traces

Identify the source code of the error with the exact line of the code, column number, and the filename of your front-end code and debug issues.

Errorless user interface

Errorless user interface

Access, refine, and create a well-crafted user interface to deliver high-quality, attractive, and valuable end-user experiences.

Dodge noise to find specific errors

Dodge noise to find specific errors

Search results are honed in on relevant errors with multi-dimensional filters based on browser, operating system, user, and more.

All front-end issues under a single platform

Impact of Errors on Scoring

Impact of Errors on Scoring

  • Check-circle Icon Clarify which pages are the most prone to errors that have an impact on KPIs.
  • Check-circle Icon Determine the most common recurring errors and rank them according to how much they impacted conversion.
  • Check-circle Icon Drill down into behavior analysis to understand the events that led up to the problems so that you can drive resolution more quickly.
Perceive the most significant Error

Perceive the most significant Error

  • Check-circle Icon Prioritize issues that have an impact on conversion rates, product usage, user experience, and the overall health of the application.
  • Check-circle Icon Conceal the noise of error tracking tools to identify and classify issues that have the most effect on your application and business KPIs.
Drive JS advancement

Drive JS advancement

  • Check-circle Icon Mitigate JavaScript errors with maximum efficiency rather than maximum effort.
  • Check-circle Icon With the potential to track, debug, and resolve JavaScript errors across platforms, you can receive actionable insights to fix JavaScript performance issues.
  • Check-circle Icon Discover JavaScript performance issues instantly before they cause latency.
  • Check-circle Icon View the entire end-to-end JS errors to identify the specific, underperforming debug console.

Stop guessing what your visitors want.

Playback everything visitors do on your site.

User trail
User trail

Identify errors with users as tags to run into the right error. Sort errors that are encountered by most users.

Root cause analysis
Root cause analysis

Spot the front-end error with the source code of the issue before they affect our customers.

Jump to the video
Jump to the video

Head straight from the error dashboard to the sessions where the error has occurred to watch the feasible session.

Real-time alerts
Real-time alerts

Fix issues in real-time before they become downtime. Receive notifications via Slack, Teams, Email, PagerDuty, etc.


Get your errors assigned according to your major potential issue that has to concern before encounter reported by the user.

Capture error mechanism
Capture error mechanism

Replaybird detects the error mechanism of your corresponding errors, comprising console errors, unhandled errors, and handled errors.

Cross-browser error analysis
Cross-browser error analysis

Regardless of how much minification you do or cache busting you use, you will see all of your errors from modern browsers grouped together precisely.

JS Error tracking
JS Error tracking

Achieve in-depth exposure to the JavaScript errors affecting your customers under a single platform.


Tag and add your team member to look at the issue to fix or resolve the error as a task, with instant notes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the JS error mean?
JavaScript errors are errors in the JavaScript programming language. JavaScript (JS) is used only to build the front-end, which meets the client side. And that makes javascript errors something that users undergo. Javascript errors affect the user experience, and that even leads to customer and revenue loss.
What causes a JavaScript error?
Most JavaScript errors are only syntax errors that occur because of grammatical mistakes, such as missing parentheses or mismatched brackets.
How do I find and fix the JavaScript error?
It is simple to fix JavaScript errors when you know exactly where the error has occurred, from which line of code, and when you have a session video from the user's perspective.
What are the different types of errors in JS?
  • EvalError
  • InternalError
  • RangeError
  • ReferenceError
  • SyntaxError
  • TypeError
  • URIError
What is a "runtime error" in JS?
Runtime error is an exceptional error that appears only during a runtime. Even if the syntax is correct, except at runtime, it is attempting to call a method that does not exist.

You can also run at the console with


If there is a function called “functionthatalreadyexist” runtime error does not appear.

If there is no function called “functionthatalreadyexist” runtime error appears.

Cross-browser error analysis

Regardless of how much minification you do or cache busting you use, you will see all of your errors from modern browsers grouped together precisely.