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Synthetic Monitoring

Replicate user interaction to test the accessibility of your website or application with Synthetic(Uptime) Monitoring. Assess the speed and capabilities of your application, and receive accurate and actionable insights in an easy-to-use dashboard.

With Atatus, You Can…

Ping Monitoring

Ping Monitoring

Boost full-stack visibility into the performance of your network devices by continuously pinging the network hosts to diagnose outages.

SSL Monitoring

SSL Monitoring

We provide SSL monitoring to keep track of the expiration date of your SSL certificate so that you don't lose it.

Website Monitoring

Website Monitoring

Track and measure your website's connection speed and browser load times to ensure its availability.

DNS Monitoring

DNS Monitoring

Eliminate malicious attacks on your domains and servers by verifying the DNS records on a regular basis for any unexpected changes or local outages.

MicroServices Monitoring

MicroServices Monitoring

At the specified frequency, check the reliability of any specific ports such as HTTP, SSL, TCP, and ICMP from various locations.

Keyword Monitoring

Keyword Monitoring

Using our Keyword Checker, ensure that you have sent the correct texts in your request and response headers (HTML or JSON).

Receive comprehensive insight of the performance of your application

Test your app from an end-user perspective

Test your app from an end-user perspective

  • Check-circle Icon Measure the true end-user experience of your website or applications by monitoring all the dynamic components at the real-time browser level.
  • Check-circle Icon We run the monitors from different geographical locations, using different browsers on actual devices and internet service providers.
  • Check-circle Icon With realistic monitoring, you can gain insight into global uptime, response time by location, test status, and duration.
Increase resiliency

Increase resiliency

  • Check-circle Icon Simulate traffic to an area where your app or website doesn't have real user traffic where user yet to ensure performance and availability.
  • Check-circle Icon You can also check the performance of your applications from the desired location for any performance issues before your end users encounter them.
Benchmark your website

Benchmark your website

  • Check-circle Icon The APIs in your applications can be monitored with synthetic monitoring at any time, and at any location you choose.
  • Check-circle Icon Also, you can use this monitoring data over time to measure the performance of your application, identify opportunities for improvement, and develop strategies to improve performance.
  • Check-circle Icon Synthetic monitoring can also be used to benchmark your application's performance and availability compared to your previous performance.
Enhanced synthetic tests and reports

Enhanced synthetic tests and reports

  • Check-circle Icon Synthetic monitoring aggregates each test result into metrics, which allows you to identify patterns in poor performance and find solutions.
  • Check-circle Icon You can also view each monitor result stored with synthetic monitoring to see exactly where problems occurred.
  • Check-circle Icon Whenever there is an issue with your website or API endpoint, you receive an alert. For a closer look at your monitor results, you can filter and sort them.

Get a complete picture of your application performance

Atatus makes application monitoring easier with actionable insights, so you can isolate and resolve application performance issues holistically.

Full-stack Visibility
Full-stack Visibility

A comprehensive view of the behavior, performance, and health of your application and support infrastructure through high-fidelity telemetry.

Centralized Monitoring
Centralized Monitoring

Get a unified view of your application performance with one platform to fix issues faster with one connected experience.

Easy Installation
Easy Installation

Track your frontend performance and errors by adding just two lines of code. Get immediate insight into your users' pain points.

Minimal Overhead
Minimal Overhead

Extract rich resource KPIs with the least overhead on your application services, which does not impact the performance.

Source Maps
Source Maps

Make your stack trace errors readable with source maps. Un-minifying JavaScript to view the original source code. Debug minified code from production.

Block Bots & Malicious IPs
Block Bots & Malicious IPs

Filter Bots, Domains, IPs, and User Agents to gain actionable insights from the real data that matters to your business.

Ticketing Integration
Ticketing Integration

Integrate your Atatus issues with various project management platforms. Jira, Asana, BugHerd, GitHub, and GitLab are all supported.

Real-time Alert
Real-time Alert

Monitor your applications automatically for increased response times, API failures, and error rates. Receive notifications via Slack, Teams, Email, PagerDuty, etc.

Enterprise but flexible
Enterprise but flexible

Custom and expand your data driving without any restriction to make dive deeper into the insights that innovate you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is synthetic monitoring?
Synthetic monitoring is monitoring application performance that visualizes the user path while interacting with a web application. It also delivers simulated user behavior for various circumstances, geographic locations, device types, and other variables using scripts.
Why do we need synthetic monitoring?
  • Resolve Performance Issues Before They Affect Your Users.
  • Benchmark Your Website.
  • Test Your Ability to Scale.
  • Test Out New Features of Products.
  • Track Important Business Processes and Third-Party APIs.
  • Ensure SLA Compliance.
  • Reduce MTTR.
What are the types of synthetic monitors available?
  • Uptime Monitoring.
  • Web Performance Monitoring.
  • API Monitoring.
  • Synthetic Transaction Monitoring.
  • Browser Monitoring.
  • HTTP Monitoring.
What is ping monitoring?
Ping monitoring is the practice of pinging a system or device on a regular basis and then immediately following up if a ping response is not received or is received too slowly.
What is SSL monitoring?
SSL Certificate Monitoring keeps track of the additional security layer certificate's expiration date and the period of time until it expires. It will make it simple to control and track your SSL expirations on a global scale.
What is DNS monitoring?
DNS monitoring is used to resolve and secure the back-and-forth communication among browser users and the websites and services they use.
What are multistep API tests?
Multistep API tests enable you to link several HTTP requests at the same time to quickly and effectively monitor and verify that specialized journeys on your vital services are accessible at all times and from any location. API tests can be used to carry out simple requests to your services.
How do you set up synthetic monitoring?
  • Create and Name the check.
  • Define Steps.
  • Select Location.
  • Set a frequency for testing.
  • Defining alert conditions.
  • Notify your team.
What is the difference between synthetic monitoring and real user monitoring?
Synthetic monitoring, also known as "synthetic transaction monitoring," uses a number of scripts to simulate user and server interactions while monitoring response times, response codes, and so on.

Real User Monitoring (RUM), on the other hand, is a passive type of monitoring that observes rather than simulates interactions between the website and real users. A small piece of JavaScript code embedded in the website will record every transaction and contact between the end user and the server.
What are synthetic transactions?
When scripts imitate the behavior of actual users of an application or website, synthetic transactions are generated. These transactions are primarily used to test the functionality of updated applications prior to deployment, but they can also be used to evaluate the performance of production systems.

Monitor your website 24x7 using Synthetic Monitoring

Check the slowness, functionality of your application and get accurate and actionable insights in an intuitive dashboard.