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On-Premises monitoring

Take control of your own data, Namlabs does not interrupt your data, access, and privacy compliance requirements under on-premises control. Build your own NamLabs to combine with your service to figure out your own metrics and analyze them without any second-party interruption.

Ingest insight from any environment

Fetch comprehensive visibility into each stack of an on-premise environment, no matter where or how teams deploy their services.

Deploy to a single machine

Deploy to a single machine

  • Check-circle Icon Monitor the health and the performance of their network, as well as the full stack, from a single unified place.
  • Check-circle Icon You can choose between fully-managed or self-managed support options.
Avail to all system functionalities

Avail to all system functionalities

  • Check-circle Icon Determine Internet protocols, centers that frequently have a complex network of physical devices that are barriers to users.
  • Check-circle Icon Configure the settings and scaling options.
Effortless compliance requirements

Effortless compliance requirements

  • Check-circle Icon Protect your data to ensure that you run into compliance standards like meeting PCI without additional struggle.
  • Check-circle Icon Uphold your entire authority over data privacy and security policies, and tailor their implementation to your specific culture and environment.

We needed application monitoring (APM and client side) for some of our internal applications and have finally been able to check all the boxes with Atatus at an affordable price. Easy to deploy and configure, immediately valuable and detailed metrics, and bonus--no extra charges for integrations, 2FA, and SSO. Wins all around.

Whitney C
Whitney C Lead Architect

Ingest insight from any environment

Fetch comprehensive visibility into each stack of an on-premise environment, no matter where or how teams deploy their services.